Figure 1-1. Frequency Meters AN/USM-159, AN/USM-159A, and AN/USM-159BCHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0013Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATADescriptionCHAPTER 2. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT AND INSTALLATIONFigure 2-1. AN/USM-159 (*), packing diagram.Section II. INSTALLATIONCHAPTER 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 3-2. FR-149A/USM-159 and FR-149B/USM-159, controls and indicators.Section II. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 3-3. Interpretation of filmstrip.Figure 3-4. FR-149(*)/USM-159, calibration tables.Determining Local Transmitter Frequency When Approximate Frequency is KnownDetermining Frequency of Distant TransmitterTuning Transmitter to Desired FrequencySection III. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSCHAPTER 4. OPERATOR'S AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0032Section IV. MAINTENANCE OF FREQUENCY METERCHAPTER 5. FUNCTIONING OF EQUIPMENTFigure 5-1. FR-149(*)/USM-159, block diagram.Figure 5-2. FR-149/USM-159, crystal oscillator, schematic diagram.Crystal Oscillator CircuitFigure 5-4. FR-149/USM-159 low frequency oscillator schematic diagram.Low Frequency Oscillator CircuitFigure 5-6. FR-149/USM-159 high frequency oscillator, schematic diagram.High Frequency OscillatorFigure 5-8. FR-149/USM-159, mixer circuit, schematic diagram.Mixer CircuitCrystal Oscillator signalAudio Amplifier CircuitModulator and Dial Lamp Power CircuitFigure 5-12. FR-149/USM-159 regulated power supply and voltage distribution circuit, schematic diagram.Figure 5-13. FR-149A/USM-159 and FR-149B/USM-159 regulated power supply and voltage distribution circuit, schematic diagram.Regulated Power Supply and Voltage Distribution CircuitCHAPTER 6. GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 6-2. Dc Resistances of Transformers and CoilsFigure 6-2. Frequency Meter FR-149(*)/USM-159, location of parts, right-side view.Figure 6-4. Frequency Meter FR-149(*)/USM-159, location of parts, rear view.Figure 6-5. Frequency Meter FR-149/USM-159, location of parts, bottom view.Section III. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0056Checking B + Circuits for ShortsTable 6-3. TroubleshootingTable 6-3. Troubleshooting-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0059Table 6-3. Troubleshooting-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0060Table 6-3. Troubleshooting-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0061Table 6-3. Troubleshooting-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0062Signal Tracing ProceduresFigure 6-7. Crystal oscillator signal tracing.Tracing Crystal Oscillator Signal.Figure 6-8. Modulator signal tracing.Signal Tracing of Internally Generated Signals Through Audio AmplifierFigure 6-10. Mixer signal tracing.Audio Power Output TestRemoval and Replacement of Audio Amplifier Circuit BoardRemoval and Replacement of Low Frequency Vfo Circuit BoardRemoval and Replacement of Other ComponentsFigure 6-11. Filmstrip mechanism, left side view.Figure 6-12. Filmstrip mechanism, right-side view.Figure 6-13. Dial lamp and filmstrip, installation diagram.Equipment AdjustmentsFigure 6-14. Crystal oscillator alignment setup.Adjustment of Low Frequency VfoSection V. GENERAL SUPPORT TESTING PROCEDURESModification Work OrdersFigure 6-16. Frequency drift with change in line voltage test setup.Table 6-5. Frequency Drift with Change in Line Voltage TestFigure 6-17. Crystal oscillator frequency test setupCrystal Checkpoint and Vfo CalibrationFigure 6-18. Frequency range of corrector test setup.Frequency ResetabilityDial Lock Frequency ShiftFigure 6-20. Dial lock frequency shift and modulator repetition rate test setup.Modulator Repetition RateFigure 6-21. Spurious crystal checkpoint rejection test set up.Audio Power Outpu t With Internal Crystal Oscillator TestFigure 6-22. Audio power output with internal crystal oscillator test setup.Table 6-13. Audio Power Output With Internal Crystal Oscillator TestAudio Power Output With External Rf Input Signal TestFigure 6-23. Audio power output with external rf input signal test setup.Table 6-14. Audio Power Output With External Rf Input Signal TestTable 6-14. Audio Power Output With External Rf Input Signal Test-continuedPerformance Test SummaryFigure 6-24. FR-149/USM-159, low frequency ufo circuit wiring diagram.Figure 6-25. FR-149A/USM-159 and FR-149B/USM-159, low frequency ufo circuit wiring diagram.Figure 6-27. FR-149A/USM-159 and FR-149B/USM-159, mixer circuit wiring diagram.Figure 6-28. FR-149/USM-159, crystal oscillator and modulator circuit wiring diagram.Figure 6-29. FR-149A/USM-159A and FR-149B/USM-159, crystal oscillator and modulator circuit wiring diagram.Figure 6-31. FR-149B/USM-159, audio amplifier circuit wiring diagram.Figure 6-32. FR-149(*)/USM-159, power supply circuit wiring diagram.APPENDIX A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0107APPENDIX C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONTool and Test Equipment Requirements (Table 1)SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR AN/USM-159, AN/USM-159A, AN/USM-159BSECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR AN/USM-159, AN/USM-159A, AN/USM-159B-continuedTABLE I. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AN/USM-159, AN/USM-159A, AN/USM-159BAPPENDIX D. ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSHow to Locate Repair Parts - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0116Figure D-1. Frequency Meter AN/USM-159, AN/USM-159A and AN/USM-159B.GROUP 00 FREQUENCY METER AN/USM-159, AN/USM-159A, AN/USM-159BFigure D-2. Frequency Meter FR-149()/USM-159 (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure D-2. Frequency Meter FR-149()/USM-159 (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 2. Frequency Meter FR-149()/USM-159 (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 2. Frequency Meter FR-149()/USM-159 (Sheet 4 of 4).GROUP 01 FREQUENCY METER FA-149( )/USM159GROUP 01 FREQUENCY METER FA-149( )/USM159-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0126GROUP 01 FREQUENCY METER FA-149( )/USM159-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0127GROUP 01 FREQUENCY METER FA-149( )/USM159-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0128GROUP 01 FREQUENCY METER FA-149( )/USM159-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0129Figure D-3. Audio Amplifier.GROUP 0101 AUDIO AMPLIFIERFigure D-4. Crystal Oscillator and Modulator.GROUP 0102 CIYSTAL OSCILLATOR AND MODULATORFigure D-5. Mixer.GROUP 0103 MIXERFigure D-6. Power Supply.GROUP 0104 POWER SUPPLYFigure D-7. Oscillator Network Assembly.GROUP 0105 OSCILLATOR NETWORK ASSEMBLYFigure D-8. Variable Frequency Oscillator.GROUP 010501 VAIAILE FRQUENCY OSCILLATORFigure D-9. Film Drive Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure D-9. Film Drive Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).GROUP 0106 FILM DRIVE ASSEMBLYGROUP 0106 FILM DRIVE ASSEMBLY-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0146GROUP 0106 FILM DRIVE ASSEMBLY-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0147Figure D-10. Capacitor Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure D-10. Capacitor Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 0107 CAPACITOR ASSENSLYFigure D-11. Oscillator Assembly.GROUP 010701 OSCILLATOR ASSEMBLYFigure D-12. Ceramic Plate Assembly.GROUP 01070101 CERAMIC PLATE ASSEMBLYFigure D-13. Plate Case Assembly.GROUP 01070102 PLATE CASE ASSEMBLYFigure D-14. Shaft Assembly.GROUP 010702 SHAFT ASSEMBLYFigure D-15. Rear Panel Assembly.GROUP 0108 REAR PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure D-16. Battery Box Assembly.GROUP 0109 BATTERY BOX ASSEMBLYFigure D-17. Antenna Assembly AT-564( )/U.GROUP 02 ANTENNA ASSEMBLY AT-564 ( )/UFigure D-18. Case and Cover Assembly.GROUP 03 CASE AND COVER ASSEMBLYFigure D-19. Case Assembly.GROUP 0301 CASE ASSEMBLYFigure D-20. Cover Assembly.GROUP 0302 COVER ASSEMBLYFigure D-21. Cable Assembly, Power Electrical CX-7782/USM-159.GROUP 04 CABLE ASSEMBLY, POWER ELECTRICAL CX-7782/USM-159 OR CX-12005/USM-159Figure D-22. Cable Assembly, Power Electrical CX-12005/USM-159.Parts ListsFigure D-23. Cord Assembly CG-409/U.GROUP 05 CORD ASSEMBLY CG-409/UFigure D-24. Cord Assembly CD-307A.GROUP 06 CORD ASSEMBLY CO-307ANATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0180NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0181NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0182NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0183NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0184NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX-continued - TM-11-6625-486-14-P0185TM-11-6625-486-14-P Frequency Meters AN/USM-159 AN/USM-159A AND AN/USM-159B Manual