TM 11-6625-3087-12
Only 124
or 135
input may be used at one time.
4. On Level Meter, select desired sideband CHANNEL (6).
5. Tune the Level Meter to the input signal frequency as follows:
l If the carrier frequency is to be used to tune the Level Meter to a message channel, press CARRIER (3), FREQ (13),
and enter the carrier frequency.
If the tone frequency is to be used to tune the Level Meter to a message channel, press TONE (4), FREQ (13), and
enter the tone frequency.
6. Fine tune the Level Meter to the input signal frequency as follows:
Press COUNTER (7).
Press CNTR->FREQ (10).
7. MEASUREMENT/ENTRY display (2) indicates input signal phase jitter. FREQUENCY/ENTRY display (5) indicates
input signal frequency.
Input signal modulation (AM or FM) may cause instability in either display.
8. If MEASUREMENT/ENTRY display is unstable or constantly resets full scale level,
Press AVE (1). If display still unstable, turn AVE off.
Use AVE only when necessary because it will decrease the accuracy of this measurement.
Select 100dB RANGE (17).