TM 9-6625-1951-34P
Section I
are cross-referenced to a figure number and item
number in column 1.
This manual lists repair parts that are required for
maintenance of Frequency Meter, Tracor Model 527A
The figure and item number columns
represent cross-reference numbers,
since illustrations are not included in
this manual.
Throughout this manual, DS is used
to indicate AACT.
Explanation of Columns
Refer to section I of TM 9-4931-700-34P for explanation
of columns (para 3), special information (para 4, except
This manual is divided as follows:
for subparagraph 4o which is not applicable to this
manual), and abbreviations (para 6).
How to Locate Repair Parts
Repair Parts List.
A list, in
alphabetical sequence, of repair parts authorized for the
When NSN or reference number is unknown, use the
performance of maintenance at the AACT support level.
repair parts listing and locate the item by description.
When National stock number or reference number is
National Stock Number and
known, use the list of NSN's or the reference numbers
Reference Number Index. A list in ascending numerical
and locate the cross-referenced figure and item number.
sequence, of all National stock numbers (NSN's)
Locate the cross-referenced figure and item number
appearing in the repair parts list, followed by a list of all
under column 1 of the repair parts list for the complete
reference numbers in alpha-numeric sequence
description of the repair part.
appearing in the list. The NSN's and reference numbers
Part of AN/GSM-259 which is not fielded as of date of this TM.