TM 11-6625-486-14&P
consult the calibration tables to determine the frequency
transmitter frequency obtained in g above was a
harmonic in the range being used, the fundamental
frequency obtained in g above is located in the
appropriate number to obtain a fundamental frequency
covered by the frequency meter dial.
obtained from the appropriate harmonic column (para 3-
b. Set the FUNCTION SW to CHK and calibrate
3c). If
the transmitter frequency obtained in g
the frequency meter at the checkpoint nearest the
was a harmonic in the range being used and the
desired fundamental frequency by tuning for a zero
frequency obtained in g above is multiplied by the
c. Set the FUNCTION SW to OPER and the
appropriate harmonic number (c above) to determine
frequency meter filmstrip to the desired fundamental
3-7. Tuning Transmitter to Desired Frequency
d. Connect the frequency meter antenna to
a. Set the RANGE SW to the proper range. If the
ANT. connector. Place the frequency meter antenna
frequency is some harmonic multiple of the frequencies
near the receiver.
covered by the frequency meter dial, consult the
e. If the receiver has a bfo, turn it on. Tune the
calibration tables to determine the frequency meter dial
receiver for a beat note from the frequency meter. Be
sure that you are tuned to the frequency meter signal by
used, divide by the appropriate number to obtain a
turning the FUNCTION SW to OFF and then back to
frequency covered by the frequency meter dial.
OPER. Tune the receiver to zero beat.
When performing check procedure,
When tuning a receiver with a bfo, it
do not connect the frequency meter
is often difficult to get true zero beat.
If this occurs, tune the receiver to the
middle of the beat note.
b. Set the FUNCTION SW to CHK. Use the
f. If a regenerative receiver is used, advance the
CORRECTOR control and calibrate frequency meter at
regeneration control until the receiver oscillates. Tune
the checkpoint nearest the fundamental frequency
the receiver for a zero beat.
obtained in a above; the, set the FUNCTION SW to
OPER and the dial to the desired fundamental
3-9. Tuning Receiver with No Means of Producing
Beat Note
a. Set the RANGE SW to the proper range. If the
Do not couple the frequency meter
desired frequency is some harmonic multiple of the
antenna directly to the transmitter
fundamental frequencies covered by the frequency
The correct separation
meter dial, consult the calibration tables to determine
between the transmitter and the
the frequency meter dial setting (para 3-3c). If the
frequency meter antenna will depend
calibration tables are not used, divide by the appropriate
on the amount of power being
number to obtain a fundamental frequency covered by
radiated. Place the frequency meter
the frequency meter dial.
antenna far from the transmitter, and
b. Set the FUNCTION SW to CHK and calibrate
then start moving the antenna closer
the frequency meter at the checkpoint nearest the
for the desired result.
desired fundamental frequency.
c. Connect the frequency meter antenna to
When performing check procedure,
ANT. connector. Place the frequency meter antenna
do not connect the frequency meter
near the transmitter oscillator circuit to be tuned.
d. Tune the transmitter for a zero beat in the
frequency meter headset. If it is impossible to obtain a
c. Set the frequency meter dial to
the desired
true zero beat, tune the transmitter to the middle of the
fundamental frequency, and the FUNCTION SW to
audio beat note. No appreciable error will result.
d. Connect the frequency meter antenna to
3-8. Tuning CW Receiver to Desired Frequency
ANT. connector. Place the frequency meter antenna
a. Set the RANGE SW to the proper range. If the
near the receiver and tune the receiver for the loudest
desired frequency is some harmonic multiple of the
audio tone in the receiver headset or loudspeaker.
fundamental frequencies covered by the filmstrip,