TM 11-6625-486-14&P
Figure 5-3. FR-149A/USM-159 and FR-149B/USM-159, crystal oscillator, schematic diagram.
parallel resonant circuit with maximum impedance at
If either crystal is removed and an
a. The crystal oscillator provides crystal check
substituted, the circuit will oscillate at its free-running
frequencies at either 1- or 2.5-MHz intervals throughout
the fundamental ranges of the meter. Use of these
signals with associated checkpoints printed on the
c. The collector of Q201 receives voltage through
filmstrip permits correction of the dial to the original
switch S701 (CHK position), decoupling resistor R204,
and coils L201 and L202. Bypass capacitor C206 keeps
oscillator circuit. Switching coil L202 in or out of the
radiofrequency out of the power supply and grounds one
tank circuit permits selection of either the 1- or 2.5-MHz
side of the tank circuit for rf. The base of Q201 is
forward-biased by the current flowing through voltage
crystal (Y202) is used in the tank circuit, formed by
divider R204, R201, and R202.
Capacitor C201
capacitors C202 and C203 in parallel with L201 and
decouples the base and (in AN/USM-159 only) stabilizes
L202. In the 2.5-MHz operation, the 2.5-MHz crystal
collector current. Resistor R203 and capacitor C204
(Y201) is used with capacitors C202 and C203 in
stabilize emitter current and provide impedance
parallel with L201. The coils are slug-tuned and permit
matching between the emitter-follower output circuit and
amplitude peaking. Trimmer capacitors C209A and
buffer amplifier Q202. Amplifier Q202 isolates the
C209B (Not in AN/USM-159) allow adjustment of
oscillator and prevents circuit loading. Forward base
crystals Y201 and Y202, respectively, to the exact
bias is furnished by R205 and R206. Resistor R208
supplies emitter bias, and capacitor C208 bypasses rf.
The output signal of Q202 appears at collector load
b. In
figure 5-2 and 5-3, transistor Q201 operates
resistor R207 and is applied through C207 to the mixer
as a Colpitts oscillator. Oscillation takes place from the
circuit. The connection of resistor R308 to the RANGE
collector to the emitter through the tank circuit and
SW (range A) (in AN/USM-159 only) provides diode
emitter connection to the two crystals. The junction
biasing voltage in the mixer circuit.
connection of C202 and C203 serves the same purpose
as a center tap on the tank circuit. Each crystal forms a