TM 11-6625-486-14&P
(3) Use the two No.
2-56 by 1/4-inch
b. Replacing Filmstrip. To install a new filmstrip,
machine screws in the following operation. Insert one
screw in the top film spool and the other in the bottom
(1) Manually rotate the top film spool until all
spool. To locate the spool threads, it may be necessary
the film is wound on this spool. Observe that the
to hold the gear and turn the spool slightly. Tighten the
extreme end of the film is secured to the bottom spool
screws with a screwdriver.
with tape. Remove this tape; then, remove the film
(4) Obtain a new filmstrip and trim the
from the top spool and a similar piece of tape. The new
extreme end in the same way as the old film was
filmstrip will be secured in the same way.
removed ( b (1) above) so that it can be inserted into a
(2) The top and bottom film spools are driven
spool-holding slot. Be sure that this end of the filmstrip
by their associated gears through friction only. The
has the highest frequency numbers. Insert this end of
spools are spring-loated (internally) independently of the
the filmstrip into the top spool holding slot so that the
gears and exert sufficient pulling force to take up any
extreme end of film will face the rear; then, secure the
slack in the film for any position of the gears. Before
film with paper tape.
installing a new film, each spool must be secured to its
(5) Rotate the top spool until the entire
associated gear to be sure that the two items will rotate
filmstrip is wound on this spool.
as one unit. This condition is accomplished by insertion
of a screw through a hole in the gear so that it engages
(6) Trim the other end of the filmstrip for
locate these holes.